Ice skating at Sunway Pyramid

30 January 2014


Fisrtly, let me warn you that today's entry will be written in fully broken english. This is not "poyo"entry but, this entry will need more describing and im good at describing in english. So please bear with me. this is one of my most long entry i have to say.

29 January 2014 
We went to Sunway pyramid (Me, Nad, and my 5 years old lil sis, Dona). We choose wednesday because it is on weekday. If we go on weekend surely the ice rink will be full by people. Dona is the most excited one, i guess this is my first time hang out with all my younger sister.

Okay maybe i should just proceed on my experience on ice rink.

Last night before i went to Sunway Pyramid, i have googled and watched all those tutorial ice skating for the first timer. I remember everything that have been taught. First time to put on the ice skating shoe is the most unforgetable moment since i know i will be ice skating for real. I was only watch it on TV since then.

First time getting on the ice rink really crack my imagination on how wonderful ice skating is. I cant even control myself. It is really hard to keep myself stable. All i can do is squiggling around and fall. Can you imagine. I fall 5 times in less 30 minutes. That was really hurt. But that hurt didn't stop me to do more squiggling. People who sliding on the ice rink somehow give me courage to do more.

So i standing by the wall to balance myself and watch all those people skates in the middle. I tried to move like them but i keep on falling. I was like "This is ridiculous! How can i skates like that? Those people are insane. I think i am the only one who are normal right now. Where i am on earth?". I keep on mumbling and get out of the ice rink.

Sitting alone and seeing myself in the mirror
"Hey you, actually what are you good at? You're bad at everything."-- Bad side of me appears.
"No! You're good. Can't you see that you have almost done it. You just need some practise."-- My angelic side tried to back me up.

I skates better with bobby (orange thingy), but that was for kids T^T

So yeah, my angelic side always win. I get onto the ice rink again. After my pant dry a little since i kept on falling, my shirt and pant started getting wet, i watched people AGAIN. Tried to follow their step but keep falling and failing. Im just going to hug Nad to prevent im fall again. And Nad said "Stop making a drama here."

After a few practice (and fall too), I know how to move foward but i don't know how to stop and drive myself to the left and right. So i will just bump to the wall. Bumping to the wall is better than fall onto your butt i guess.

But then a few minutes later, i bump to Nad and i fall onto my butt first and i hit my head on the ice rink. My leg was sliding in between nad's leg. Nad said "can you stop doing a body gag here?". Wow making a body gag really hurts. Everybody on the ice rink was looking at me. Well i know what they're thinking.

"Omg! Her head just hit the ice rink. That must be freaking hurt"
"Wth, is she trying to crack this ice rink"
"Lol, what a loser"
"Pity on her, i bet she will not come here again."
"It's not a fracture i hope. But that hit's sound really loud"
"Is she okay"
"Im a beginner too, but i guess im better than her"
"Is that a trial to commit suicide or what?"

So i decided to stop skating. Since my head feel so dizzy. My body ache all over. I got blistered on my leg. Hurts my butt, my back, my neck, my palm, my knee. Bruised everywhere.

Seeing Dona skates and didn't fall, i guess she is better than me as a beginner (This is first time she ice skates). Even i heard some adault said

"Tengok budak tu rileks je" 
"Eh macam mana budak tu jalan tak jatuh?"

Well i heard them all. I was guarding Dona at the back and those people don't know i am her sister. I guess she worth to feeling excited at the start. She is inspirated by girl kid who push her while her on bobby thingy i guess. Yeah, who dont right?

What i learn today, ice skating is not easy as i see on TV. Learning through your eyes doesnt give you anything unless youre on the situation and practise it. Don't too hurried to learn, do start from the bottom. If experiencing is hurt then try to not expriece it in the future. 

Peperiksaan akhir sesi pertama 2013/2014

27 January 2014


Nak pengsan rasanya buka facebook harini. Ye la biasanya notification facebook tu aku buat tak endah je sebab aku dapat notification games and notification "bla bla comented on your tagged photo" memang tak la aku nak tengok.

Tapi kali ni lain betul. "Haliah mentioned you in a comment in (group name)". Rasa nak pengsan tu sampai bila Haliah sebenarnya mention aku kat gambar kat bawah ni. Result. 

Tarikh keputusan: 10 Februari 2014

Aku tak nak berharap sangat sebab aku dah rasa azab nak jawab exam tu. Mostly benda yang aku tak expect masuk tu yang masuk. So aku tak prepare. Masa tu aku cuma berserah je. Then roomate aku cakap;

"Aku selalu kena macam tu masa kat poli dulu. Benda yang tak belajar tu yang keluar."
"Eh ye ke? Aku kat matrik cuma benda yang belajar tu je yang keluar. Tak terlebih sikit pun."

Baru tahu apa yang lecturer kat  matrik aku kata tu betul. "Tak payah bangga sangat dengan result tinggi awak kat matrik masa kat U nanti. Awak la orang yang paling akan dipandang rendah nanti." Aku bukan nak bangga tapi aku baru faham apa yang lecturer aku cakap dulu. Memang rasa berbeza cara belajar kat matrik dengan U. Masa kat matrik dulu memang rasa sangat belajar disuap lecturer.

Nampaknya aku kena belajar dari benda ni. Pasang azam untuk semester 2. Semoga student degree sesi pertama dapat result cemerlang, lebih lebih lagi yang dari kelulusan matrik. (Ni bukan racist, tapi student diploma and stpm dah biasa and aware pasal ni, since dyorang lagi tough belajar while kami enjoy. Kami je acknowledge. Kesian) 

P/S: Benda yang buat nak pengsan tu sebab takut. Ingat masa orientasi dulu, abang senior kata "Course kita ni paling senang nak failed and paling susah nak skor." Aku seram. 

Cuti semester yang tak produktif

26 January 2014

Secara jujurnya cuti semester aku tak pernah produktif pun. Cuma dulu rasa produktif sikit sebab bila cuti sem dari matrik mesti ada assignment kena siapkan. So rasa la sibuk sikit. Tapi ni first time aku cuti memang cuti betul. Mati kutu tak tau nak buat apa.

Ada juga aku rasa macam "Okay hari ni kena buat sesuatu." Kalau aku tak buat sesuatu kang rasa menyesal je cuti semester aku terbazir macam tu je. So aku ada buat simple list kononnya nak sibukkan hari aku.

- Focus on blogging (Paling senang, lagipun bila balik U nanti takde masa dah)
- Finish up reading When I Was A Kid by Boey (Tak sempat baca tahun lepas T^T)
- Finish up reading Katarsis by Buku Fixi (Ni pun kes sama macam atas)
- Make a brownies in a mug (Pengaruh dari Afiqah Azmee haritu BW kat blog dia)

And that moment bila kawan laki kau comment "Aku buat jadi je". Dem rasa macam asdfghjkl.

Dalam banyak-banyak list tu, yang bawah sekali paling sedih. Punya la aku buat 9128389734kali benda alah tu, hasilnya sama je. Brownies aku keras sangat. Ada masa tu brownies aku kenyal tak keras dah. Tapi kenyal macam chewing gum. FAILED. So aku rasa aku patut lupakan benda alah tu.

So biasanya aku akan end up layan anak-anak kucing aku je. Lagi seronok. Rasa produktif pun ye. Bhahahaha Bye

Nanti kalau aku terlebih rajin, aku buat entry untuk memperkenalkan kucing aku. Nak? XD Oh if those who dont know, i am a cat lover or lebih tepat obses. So pls bear with me.

The throwback: Kebenaran zaman matrik

21 January 2014


Hari ni nak buka cerita zaman dulu-dulu. Zaman matrik. Okay bukannya lama mana pun aku ni student matrik batch 2012/2013. Tahun lepas punya cerita la ni.

Kelakar kalau ingat balik. Semester 1 semua muka nerd bila masuk semester 2 semua taiko. Benda ni normal kata lecturer aku. 

Kalau masa semester 1 tu, pakai kasut hitam pvc kilat-kilat dan kad matrik pun sangkut kat leher. Baju kurung pulak hari-hari gosok. Bangun awal pagi sebab tak nak lambat pergi kelas Baik gila masa tu. Nerd je.

Bila masuk semester 2, kasut pvc hitam yang kilat-kilat tu dah tak wujud dah. Mula pandai pakai kasut ada reben, bunga dan berwarna warni. Baju kurung pun asal kedut sikit memang tak gosok dah bukan nampak pun. Ye dak? Then dah pandai bangun lewat, masuk kelas lambat sikit pun takde hal. Kad matrik pun jadi stok hiasan dalam bag. Pakai pun tak.

Aku tak tau yang aku cakap ni aku je buat atau yang lain pun sama. Yang bestnya kelas dinamika aku start semester 2. Kena pakai betul-betul formal. Masa ni la terhegeh-hegeh dok cari balik kasut hitam pvc tu. Padan muka diri sendiri sebab dapat lecturer tegas. (Tapi ni masa mula-mula je. Lepas tu jadi taiko balik. Bhahaha)

Yang best pasal kat matrik ni, kelas aku sama je dari sem 1 sampai sem 2. So kalau dah kenal geng tu best. Nasib baik Kecik ada buat video sebelum habis matrik dulu. Buat lepas rindu. Tapi disebabkan Kecik yang buatkan video, maka dalam video ni banyak gambar dia XD

To be very honest, i learnt a lot in my matriculation days. Thanks to my lecturers and my friends. Not to forget, to my roommates too. Walaupun mula-mula aku masuk matrik nangis sebab tak suka tinggalkan rumah then mogok tak nak cakap dengan roommate, this tears worth a lot. 
Lots of love, Ajan
Bagi orang yang tak biasa duduk asrama macam aku ni, kalau kena berpisah dari rumah memang seghupo macam hantar budak 6 tahun masuk tadika. (Atau mungkin aku lebih teruk dari tu.) Tapi lama-lama dah biasa nanti dah tak heran kot.
A word for those yang tak biasa tinggalkan rumah dan bakal tinggalkan rumah, "See this thing as a challenge and take this challenge and make yourself as a better one.". Kalau yang tengok benda ni macam hukuman, selamanya korang tersiksa. 
Kalau nak tau, aku ni enjoy dengan challenge aku sebab tu taiko masa sem 2. Harap bakal student matrik tak ikut style sem 2 aku. I dont wanna be a bad influence. Take my positivity. 

The bored semester break

20 January 2014

Masa kat U menunggu cuti semester ni memang macam-macam benda yang aku rancang nak buat. Siap tulis list lagi tu. Tapi bila dah balik rumah ni, satu benda pun tak jalan. Memang susah la nak jalankan "list-to-do" waktu sekarang ni. Adik aku sekolah, kawan-kawan sekolah dulu pun cuti tak sama. So apa boleh buat? Melangut kat rumah sama macam aku tunggu paper last aku yang seminggu lamanya. T^T

Dalam list-to-do aku tu banyak makan je sebenarnya. Nak makan semua benda yang aku susah nak dapat kat Kedah tu. Actually bukan tak ada. Dia ada cuma jauh sampai kena sewa kereta atau naik bas. Rasa macam membazir pulak semata-mata nak makan.

Masa aku banyak untuk menghadap laptop ni. Sumpah bosan. Tak pe la. Boleh aku belajo balik stail aku tulis blog. Dah tak reti dah ni.

Cara semak powerbank Pineng original

02 January 2014


Okay kalau nak tahu power bank pineng kita tu original atau tak, sila check pada kotak power bank. Ada stiker emas tak? Kalau ada gores tulisan cina yang ada kat stiker emas tu nanti ada nombor kod. Pastu korang boleh la check kat laman web dia --->

Tu tulisan cina tu, gores je terus

Result dia memang tulis dalam bahasa cina, so pepandai la translate sendiri ye

Thanks to Apis juga sebab ajar cara check ke-original-an pineng powerbank tu. Kalau tak aku tak tau pun benda alah tu original ke tak. Pakai bedal je kerja aku.