//Oppa! kyeopta!
The game rules:
- You must post these rules
- Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal
- Answer the question the tagger set for you in their post. And create new eleven question for the people you tagged to answer.
- You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post
- Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her
- No tag back !
- No stuff in the tagging section about "You Are Tagged If You Are Reading This" you legitimately (a.k.a really, trust, with all honestly) have to tag 11 people
11 things about me:
- Full name : Nur Hafzhan Bt. Abdul Rauf.
- 17 years | 2011
- Stay Klang, Selangor.
- Born in 15/03/1994
- Fall in love with Lee Donghae since 2009
- Scare of blood
- Super Junior stalker.
- Never hate chocolate.
- Can't sleep without 'bantal busuk'.
- Love to collect cute thing.
- Animal lover.
Wanie-Siwan's question.
What's your full name ?
//Nur Hafzhan Bt. Abdul Rauf.
How old are you ?
//17 y/o.
You stay at ?
Study at ?
//SMK Sungai Kapar Indah.
Your BFF ? ( not more than 5 answer)
//My Droxy team, school friend and ELF.
What's your Favourite Song ? ( 3 answer )
//Y-Super Junior, Memories-Super Junior, In my dream-Super Junior.
What's your Favourite Food ? ( 3 answer )
//Rojak buah, ice-cream, chocolate.
Your Favourite K-drama ? ( 3 answer )
//My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, Playful Kiss, Secret Garden.
Like K-pop / K-drama ? yes / no . Give your reason.
// Yes! because i think they're awesome!
What subjects in school do you like ?
Who is your main bias ?
//Lee Donghae.
Jasmin's question.
Favorite food ?
Kpop or english song ?
Family or Friends ?
Do you have boyfriend ?
//Yup! Lee Donghae.
Your real age ?
//17 is my real age.
Do you love my blog ?
//No comment. Sorry. I cant judge.
Your first crush ?
//Ahaha, it's a secret.
Can you describe my blog ?
//Simple and colourful
Single or Taken ?
//Taken by Lee Donghae.
Your full name ?
//Nur Hafzhan Bt. Abdul Rauf.
Are you okay ?
Nadhirah's question.
Do you have facebook ? What is your name on facebook ?
// Yes i do. Nurhafzhan Elf.
3 nicknames of you ?
//Ajan, Hafzhan, Hafz.
3 words to describe you ?
//Naive, blurr, last one.. err idk.
Where do you live ?
//In a house at Klang.
Korea or Japan ?
Facebook or Twitter ?
Did you already follow my blog ?
//Of coz.
Who is your last boyfriend / girlfriend ?
//Akmar, he's my boyfriend in a game. I never had a BF in real world.
Last person you said 'I LOVE YOU' to ?
//Lee Donghae oppa.
Last thing you ate ?
//Rice+Chicken curry.
Super Junior / Girl Generation ? Pick one . If you don't know , go search .
//Super Junior.
- What is your korean name?
- Who is your OTP?
- Favorite K-pop group?
- Favorite music video?
- First korean word that you know.
- Date where you addicted to k-pop.
- K-pop stuff that you've bought.
- What is your lullaby song?
- Who is your ultimate bias.
- What do you wish to do with your bias.
- Last word to me.
Tagged peeps.
Athirah | Sharmine MJ | Aqiella | Miramir | Ainna | Nurul Huda | Mrs.Lau | Izzat | Nadhirah Cho | Yayah Zack | Hazzatul
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